
Aroma Scenting

Signature Aroma With the Best Quality

About Us

PT. Sinkona Indonesia Lestari (PT. SIL) is a subsidiary of PT Kimia Farma Tbk. and PTPN VIII as a company that produces Quinine Salt, Natural Extract, Essential Oil & its derivatives with the best quality for the Global Market (Europe, Asia, America, etc.) and also Domestic.

Currently, through the Selensia brand, PT. SIL is expanding its business portfolio with Aromatherapy & Aroma Scenting products or room fragrances as solutions for businesses to enhance Customer Experience.

Signature aroma with the best quality

Selensia has various Signature Aromas that can meet your business needs with the best service and quality.

Why Choose Us

Scenting Aroma is the key for your business to enhance Brand Awareness, Customer Experience, and even long-term Loyalty.


Having complete production facilities that meet international standards.


The resulting aroma is based on research and laboratory testing.


Having ISO, GMP, FSSC, FDA, Halal, Kosher, SGS, and other certifications.


It is a subsidiary of the Kimia Farma Group.


Collaborating with the best farmer groups in Indonesia.

40% of customers will stay longer and create memories in a well-scented environment, thus increasing buying impulse.

Lindstrom, M. ‘Broad Sensory Branding’

The sense of smell is believed to influence 75% of our daily emotions. The close relationship between the olfactory glands, which record smells, and the limbic system, which regulates emotions and memories, is the power behind our sense of smell.

Humans can recognize around 10,000 different smells, and what's even more remarkable is that we can remember smells with 65% accuracy after one year, unlike visuals, which are only 50% accurate after three months. (Sense of Smell Institute)

Variant Aroma

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BagaimanaAroma dari
Selensia Bekerja?

Top Notes

Top Notes mewakili kesan pertama,hal pertama yang akan Anda cium saat mencoba aroma baru.Aroma yang dapat memikat Anda, menyebabkan Anda membuat kesan pertama tentang aroma tersebut.

Middle Notes

Aroma yang Anda rasakan setelah Top Notes menghilang. Merekame mastikan kesinambungan antaraTop Notes dan mempersiapkan transisi yang mulus ke Bottom Notes. Middle Notes menghasilkan sekitar 65-70% dari keseluruhan arsitektur Aroma.

Bottom Notes

Aroma ini memberikan keseimbangan dan membangun pondasi keseluruhan komposisi Aroma. Aroma ini yang dapat menciptakan kesan akhir yang bertahan lama.

6 Step Process

6 Cara untuk melakukan pemesanan produk Selensia

  • Survey
  • Quotation
  • Trial
  • Contract
  • Installation
  • Services

Trial Scenting Gratis

Daftarkan diri Anda untuk mendapatkan trial scenting gratis yang sesuai denga kebutuhan Anda hari ini.

Get a Quote

Scenting Product

Aroma Scenting adalah kunci bagi Bisnis Anda untuk meningkatkan Brand
Awareness, Customer Experience, hingga Loyalitas jangka panjang.

Aroma Scenting 1

Alat scenting ini cocok untuk penggunaan ruangan yang tidak terlalu besar seperti Lift, Kamar Tidur dan lain-lain.

  • Jangkauan2003
  • Power5 watt
  • Dimensi208x156x79 mm
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Aroma Scenting 2

Alat scenting ini cocok untuk penggunaan ruangan yang tidak terlalu besar seperti Lift, Kamar Tidur dan lain-lain.

  • Jangkauan2003
  • Power5 watt
  • Dimensi208x156x79 mm
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Aroma Scenting 3

Alat scenting ini cocok untuk penggunaan ruangan yang tidak terlalu besar seperti Lift, Kamar Tidur dan lain-lain.

  • Jangkauan2003
  • Power5 watt
  • Dimensi208x156x79 mm
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